Awal Muharram atau Maal Hijrah merupakan suatu hari yang penting bagi umat Islam kerana menandakan peristiwa penting yang berlaku dalam sejarah Islam iaitu
Credit Control & Debt Collection - Finance Workshop 2016
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Credit Control & Debt Collection - Finance Workshop 2016
While credit is an essential sales tool in today’s competitive environment for increased revenue and profit, it is important during such times that
Integrity @ Work Place
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Integrity @ Work Place
Building workplace integrity involves developing and maintaining a professional and respectful workplace. It involves ethical leadership, active management and supervision, 80% of Integrity
Free ticket entry theme park "Lost World of Tambun" if you register any training courses on Oct - Dec 2016. Register now!!!
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Free ticket entry theme park "Lost World of Tambun" if you register any training courses on Oct - Dec 2016. Register now!!!
SPECIAL OFFER FOR YOU.... Starting on Oct - Dec 2016, we offer you one free ticket entry theme park "Lost World of Tambun".
Asas Pengurusan Sumber Manusia - Implementasi dan Praktis
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Asas Pengurusan Sumber Manusia - Implementasi dan Praktis
Cabaran organisasi kebelakangan ini memerlukan pengurusan sumber manusia yang cekap dan efisyen bagi membolehkan organisasi berkenaan berdaya saing. Program ini direka untuk memberikan
Pengendalian Disiplin Pekerja & Siasatan Dalaman Disiplin (Domestic Inquiry)
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Pengendalian Disiplin Pekerja & Siasatan Dalaman Disiplin (Domestic Inquiry)
Di dalam prosedur disiplin, sebelum sesuatu tindakan disiplin diambil seperti Amaran Bertulis, Penggantungan Kerja, penurunan pangkat dan pembuangan kerja, Siasatan Dalaman Disiplin –
Motor Elektrik - Penjagaan & Penyelenggaraan Motor
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Motor Elektrik - Penjagaan & Penyelenggaraan Motor
Motor-motor elektrik yang gagal berfungsi perlu digantikan. Ia memerlukan satu tempoh jangka masa yang panjang bagi penggantian motor. Kegagalan motor mungkin punca masalah
Amalan Pengurusan & Penyelenggaraan Stor - Comfori Training
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Amalan Pengurusan & Penyelenggaraan Stor - Comfori Training
Untuk menjamin kelancaran operasi kerja sememangnya memerlukan sokongan sumber bahan, peralatan, perkakasan, mesin dan jentera, maka tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa sesebuah organisasi itu
LRT disruptions raising doubts.
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LRT disruptions raising doubts.
LRT disruptions raising doubts FAILURE to keep train schedules predictable is not going to endear the light rail transit (LRT) system to passengers.
Increase Sales through Smart Selling - Comfori Workshop 2016
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Increase Sales through Smart Selling - Comfori Workshop 2016
Selling is the art of convincing your potential customers that your products and services are better than your competitors. Whoever can convince the
Microsoft Office Excel 2013 - (Intermediate & Advanced)
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Microsoft Office Excel 2013 - (Intermediate & Advanced)
This course was designed for students desiring to gain the skills necessary to create macros, collaborate with others, audit and analyze worksheet data,
Managing Smart Human Resource Development & Training Functions Effectively - HR Workshop 2016
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Managing Smart Human Resource Development & Training Functions Effectively - HR Workshop 2016
The role of training department in organizing Human Capital Development activities are equally important to other department roles and functions especially in managing
Keep BEAUTY on DUTY - People will STARE. Make it WORTH their while by Harry Winston
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Keep BEAUTY on DUTY - People will STARE. Make it WORTH their while by Harry Winston
OVERVIEW Image is a powerful tool for business professionals. Image constitutes of appearance and personality. Both are as important as the quality of
Is it necessary to know more about tax planning? - Comfori Workshop
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Is it necessary to know more about tax planning? - Comfori Workshop
OVERVIEW Taxpayers, (especially companies) have to be conversant with tax planning, specifically so since the Self-Assessment System demands that all Returns have to be
Merdeka & Malaysia Day Promotion - Valid until 16th Sept 2016
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Merdeka & Malaysia Day Promotion - Valid until 16th Sept 2016
To get the details about Finance & Accounting courses, click HERE This offer valid from 31st Aug 2016 until 16th Sept 2016. Register
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- Awal Muharram - Hari yang bermakna bagi Umat Islam
- Credit Control & Debt Collection - Finance Worksho...
- Integrity @ Work Place
- Free ticket entry theme park "Lost World of Tambun...
- Asas Pengurusan Sumber Manusia - Implementasi dan ...
- Pengendalian Disiplin Pekerja & Siasatan Dalaman D...
- Motor Elektrik - Penjagaan & Penyelenggaraan Motor
- Amalan Pengurusan & Penyelenggaraan Stor - Comfori...
- LRT disruptions raising doubts.
- Increase Sales through Smart Selling - Comfori Wor...
- Microsoft Office Excel 2013 - (Intermediate & Adva...
- Managing Smart Human Resource Development & Traini...
- Keep BEAUTY on DUTY - People will STARE. Make it W...
- Is it necessary to know more about tax planning? -...
- Merdeka & Malaysia Day Promotion - Valid until 16t...
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