Steam Engineers Examination Course - Comfori Public Workshop

Boilers are not new technology. They have been used in producing steam for centuries. However, this centuries old device remain important and useful for our industries. With time, the basic boilers has gone larger in power and capacity. They have also been benefited by application of sophisticated automation and electro-technics. Improper handling, human error and management flaws continue to cause near misses, accident and loss of life and property. Improving knowledge and skill through training in boiler management is perhaps the most tangible way to avoid such losses.

The 3-days course on boiler/ Steam Plant Operation and Management focuses on establishing correct practices in Steam Plant operation and for Preparing the participants for JKKP/DOSH examination. It is also provides guidance in boiler maintenance procedures. Overall the course will escalate the knowledge base of participants to become better Engineers, Operators and Technicians in their own plants.

  • Ready and confidence to sit for stream Engineers Examination conducted by JKKP
  • Increase your confident to operate or supervise steam plant
  • Describe the principles of operation and maintenance of steam plant
  • Understand the concepts such as water treatment, combustion system and material used in steam plant

Practicing boiler Operators, Technician and Engineers of plant where boilers, steam turbine form an integral component. This could range from a small process plant to major utilities, Industries may include factories, hotels, hospital, Plantation & etc.



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