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Below are soft skills training that we have on February 2019:

Perfecting the Art of Speaking & Writing in Business English
11 & 12 February 2019
Communicating in English has become more crucial than ever especially in the era of borderless world of communication. Businesses nowadays are conducted between nations and the lingua franca of the business world is English. To succeed, business professionals need to be proficient in the language and must be able to communicate information precisely, correctly, the first time and every time. It is undeniable that most business professionals have acquired basic communication skills from their working experience, but at times, knowing the basics might not be sufficient. Trust which is the foundation of business relationship can only be built with excellent communication and perfecting the skill of communication of business professionals will go a long way in the business world.

Kaedah Memotivasikan Diri Di Tempat Kerja
13 & 14 February 2019
Kebosanan adalah lumrah di dalam alam pekerjaan yang akan mengakibatkan produktiviti sesebuah organisasi itu menurun. Ini adalah satu program yang akan menyedarkan para peserta betapa berharganya mereka kepada Negara, organisasi dan masyarakat. Program ini tidak menekan kepada aspek teknikal tetapi lebih kepada keadaan persekitaran yang berlaku pada hari ini.  

Grammar - Back to Basic
13 & 14 February 2019
It has become the norm for most Malaysians to associate grammar only with English classes whilst in school. Most of us tend to disregard or take grammar lightly in daily conversation and in writing once we enter the working life. Most of us revert to Manglish or Singlish and these become inevitably our daily means of communication. Although it may not hamper the delivery of our messages, it does mar precision and finesse in our communication. It also goes without saying, you write as how you speak. The irony of it is that many adults, fresh graduates, clerical staff, even managers and executives fail to remember this in their daily communication. Hence, this course will focus on how grammar is not just essential for examination purposes but also how vital it is to speak grammatically correct sentences and eventually be able to project these similar structures in written form.

Enhancing Performance and Add Value to Your Task
25 & 26 February 2019
Enhance your skills and performance by leraning on how to be more efficcient in completing your task effectively. Learning how to create more value to your job scope that could produce great output of your task. Attending these 2 days training will makes you more effective employee.

Technical Communication in Email, Reports & Speech
27 & 28 February 2019
Technical staff faces the need to concisely and clearly communicate technical information to managers, colleagues and customers, who may lack the communicator’s depth of knowledge, and yet need to take action on the information. This workshop focuses on the key aspects of the following communications media, with respect to getting actionable information across to the audience:
·         Short Form Writing: E-mails, memos and letters
·         Long Form Writing: Reports and proposals
·         Speaking: Presentations and verbal reports
The emphasis is on identifying the portions where audiences tend to zoom in, such as recommendations in reports, and crafting your message to fit these key aspects, e.g. by writing recommendations which are specific, actionable and justifiable.



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