Everyone will know what is Hari Raya Puasa right?
This celebration is for Muslim who are successful to finish their fasting for one month. Easy to call as a Victory Day for Muslim people. Hari Raya Puasa is not about Muslim New Year, but more on joyous celebrations. That's why kids will get "angpau" if they can fasting for one month.
When we talk about Hari Raya Puasa, it must be related with Ramadhan. What does "Ramadhan" mean? What is a relationship between Hari Raya Puasa and "Ramadhan'?
Okay. Ramadhan is known as a month of fasting for Muslims. According to Islamic calendar, the ninth month on calendar is a Ramadhan. During fasting, Muslims are refrain from eating, drinking, smoking and do sexual activities from dawn till dusk. Instead of that, this is a month where Muslims people put more effort to do all the good and leave all the prohibitions of Allah.
Maybe some of you think why all Muslims people have to fasting on month of Ramadhan?
Fasting on month of Ramadhan can be known as 4th pillar of Islam. Through fasting, they can learns self-control and develops empathy towards what the poor undergo on a daily basis. Also teach them to live in simplicity.

Daun dianyam makin tersimpul,
Gulai di dapur terlebih santan,
Sanak saudara riuh berkampul,
Sambut lebaran penuh kesyukuran...
Ibu riuh ke hulur ke hilir,
Sedia juadah pelengkap hidangan,
Pagi syawal bergema takbir,
Tanda kemenangan puasa sebulan...
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