Gambar sekadar hiasan Hari Raya Aidilfitri pastinya antara detik yang dinanti-nanti oleh ramai orang. Tidak kira di kampung atau di bandar, Hari Raya
Tips Diet di Hari Raya
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Tips Diet di Hari Raya
Apabila menjelang hari raya, terdapat banyak sangat juadah dan hidangan yang sangat melazatkan. Selepas sebulan berpuasa, tekak kita terasa teringin untuk makan segala
Hari Raya Puasa - Something that you should know...
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Hari Raya Puasa - Something that you should know...
Everyone will know what is Hari Raya Puasa right? This celebration is for Muslim who are successful to finish their fasting for one
Nuzul Al-Quran - Public Holidays In Malaysia
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Nuzul Al-Quran - Public Holidays In Malaysia
Nuzul Al-Quran is the revelation of the Qur'an to Muhammad first until the next stages to complete, as the Quran that we have
Cockroach Theory
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Cockroach Theory
Cockroach Theory- A beautiful speech by Sundar Pichai ( Chief Executive Officer of Google Inc) The cockroach theory for self-development. At a restaurant,
How cost accounting affect industry?
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How cost accounting affect industry?
There are two (2) techniques be involved in cost accounting:- 1) doing report on financial statements by determining costs of products, processes, projects
Charity : Comfori With You
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Charity : Comfori With You
CHARITY Charity is the act of giving money, food, or other kinds of help to people who are poor, sick, etc.; also : something (such
Special Gift for You...#grabitnow
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Special Gift for You...#grabitnow
Terms and Conditions for "Like, Share & Win" contest. Conditions of entry The entry to the "Like, Share & Win" contest is open
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