Training & Development...Is it important for our career path??

Training is so significant for any company or organization in order to achieve its goals and objectives either for a short term or for a long term. It depends to the company or organization itself, what kinds of training that they want to attend and who are person that will join the training as long as the training can help them to acquire a specific skills or knowledge for a certain job. 

On the other side, development means the expansion of knowledge and skills to be abroad which these knowledge or skills can be applicable for any wide range of situations. The way to make decision for a certain situation, the risks that be taking in order to solve the problems, how to conduct or managing people and to thinking outside the box are the elements for person to move on for his/her career path of development. 

Training & Development can help us to identify our weaknesses. We noticed that mostly people have certain weaknesses on their workplace, make them cannot give better services to the organization. By sending them to attend training, they can learn how to improve themselves and it can lead them to give best services and contributions towards organization. 

Instead of that, the consistency in duty performance plays the importance role to ensure that the people follows company's procedures and policies. It shows the good ethics of the workers in an organization itself. 

By training, the workers also feel satisfied with the roles that they play in the organization. They feel that the company appreciated their efforts and contributions, so make them improved the quality of products or services for the successful of company. The workers will perform in effectively and in efficiently in their tasks thus increasing overall productivity of the company.