Coaching Process Model - WHICH model will be your first choice and WHY??

The GROW Model

The GROW Model is one of the best known and widely used coaching models. It provides a simple yet often powerful framework for navigating a route through any coaching session (formal or informal).

GROW is an acronym for Goal, current Reality, Options and Will – which are seen as the four key elements of a coaching session.

G.R.O.W. Model in summary 
G = What is your goal? What do you want to accomplish? What are you trying to do? How will you know when you have reached the result you want? 
R = What is the reality of the situation? What is really going on, as you see it? What’s happening now? How are things going today? Where do you find yourself at this time? 
O = What are your options? What alternatives do you have now? What are the possibilities that are in front of you? Which choices do you have at this time? 
W = What are you willing to do? What can you do now? How much are you likely to pursue the direction you’re targeting? What will it take to get moving towards your goal? 

Many people who have used the G.R.O.W. model very much like its simple four-step approach. However, for those people who prefer to cover more detailed ground when coaching the OUTCOMES™ model may be attractive.

The OUTCOMES™ Coaching model

The OUTCOMES™ Coaching model was designed to provide more depth to their coaching and as such will enable an increase in understanding, motivation and commitment to action than they may have experienced with other coaching models such as G.R.O.W.

So what are the stages behind OUTCOMES™?

O = Objectives - what specifically the employee is trying to achieve.

U = Understand the Reasons - important step as it is vital that the reasons behind wanting to achieve the objective are understood. In sales, for example, simply build rapport and fact-find within a sales call as opposed to actually selling anything on a first visit or phone call. By understanding the reasons behind the “rapport” objective, a manager can support and challenge a salesperson to achieve both the rapport and fact-finding objectives together with selling process.

T = Take Stock of the Present Situation - important to spend time analyzing the reality of the present situation

C = Clarify the Gap between where they are now and where they need to get to, in order to achieve their objective. They can go straight to the “how” without fully understanding the “what”.

O = Options Generation - this stage can take time and many managers “skip” through it, or worse, manipulate their employee with leading questions that enable the employee to come up with the options that the manager wants to hear! Take your time and allow the employee to generate his or her own options.

M = Motivate to Action - manager must have the ability to check this and challenge any signs of demotivation.

E = Enthusiasm & Encouragement - the manager must at all times show enthusiasm for the objectives ahead and encourage the employee to do as best they can.

S= Support - the manager must always show support for the employee in the tasks agreed and must also ask if there is any support that they have to put in, in order to assist the employee.

The Coaching Skills Template Model

Around the edge of the template are six progressive coaching steps, starting with the “Recognize” step (with 3 summary statements under each). Let’s look at these in a little more detail:
The ‘Recognize’ step asks the coach to take account of his or her own personal style. It also ask the coach to identify the right time and place to engage in a coaching intervention and to select the best opportunity so as to ensure that the quality of the discussion is as good as it can be.
The ‘Read’ step ask the coach to carefully read or assess the person they are planning to offer coaching or feedback and to look at both the context and general situation that exists in relation to the issues an challenges that are likely to be raised.
The ‘Receive’ step asks the coach to maintain a high level of focus on the person being coached and to listen attentively at all times (watching for visual and verbal clues about behavior as well as taking account of any other feedback that might be available.
The ‘Re-frame’ step (having listened to the other person) asks the coach to help the individual to re-frame any problem or issue that they may be having and to them identify ‘the gap’ that needs to be closed (between the present and future state. The approach to close this gap can then be agreed.
The ‘Record’ step asks the coach to help the individual he or she is coaching to set targets for improvement or change, establish milestones for the journey and fix timeframes in which the desired improvements or change should occur.
The ‘Review’ step asks the coach to work with the individual being coached to look back at his or her efforts to improve or change and assess the circumstances in which the change occurred, what he or she has experienced and what real progress has been made.

What did you learn from this training:-

  • leadership model
  • roles of leaders vs roles of coach
  • breakthrough coaching skills
  • starting coaching conversation
  • steps in performance coaching
  • elements of good coaching session
  • steps in career development coaching
  • coaching action plan and eveluation



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