Planned Maintenance (Drive Towards Zero Unplanned Equipment Failures) - Comfori Workshop
Date: 30th March 2016 By: Adib
Developing a strategic maintenance system must be done 2 folds, both long term and shshort term plan. The long term is where most maintenance managers and people lack, it is not sufficiently enough to neglect the fact that possibility of other pars might be affected which can take a month or more to take effect. A good maintenance leader always sees this aspect in 2 ways, both the long term and short term plan.
Planned Maintenance have varieties for definition depends on each personnel such as from the view of Tokutaro Suzuki (author of Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance), “Planned Maintenance is the deliberate activity of building and continuously improving such a maintenance system”. However from the perspective of Charles Robinson & Andrew Ginder which also amongst the author for Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance, “Planned Maintenance is defined as maintenance activities performed on a pre-determined schedule of activities”.
You can learn more about planned maintenance such as The 6 Big Losses, The Three Key Performance Indicator, Types of Maintenance Strategies and others by attending to our two day training course Planned Maintenance – Drive Towards Zero Unplanned Equipment Failures on 18th & 19th April 2016.
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