How to Get Along With Your Boss

How to Get Along With Your Boss

Ten Tips to Manage Up for an Effective Boss Relationship At one point or another in your career, you will report to a manager, the person you fondly - or not - call boss. The relationships that you create and manage, with both your immediate boss, and other company employees, are critical for your work success and career progress.


Employee Care: The Best Solutions Are Sometimes the Simplest

Employee Care: The Best Solutions Are Sometimes the Simplest

The best solution to our problems may actually be the nearest or the easiest. Sometimes it seems so easy that we doubt its effectiveness. I had a quick discussion with a CEO who called me once for advice. “I have a serious problem in my organization,” he said.  “We are facing difficulty in attracting talents, and difficulty in


How to Attract Graduate Interest in Your Company

How to Attract Graduate Interest in Your Company

Attracting graduates has been a great challenge for many organizations. Famous companies like Microsoft, Pepsi, and Google do not face difficulty in this arena since they always have a long line of fresh grads ready to join them. They look for consistency in educational history and background of the student, extra-curricular activities, and so forth.  The candidates who


Don’t snoop on recruits Facebook profiles

Don’t snoop on recruits Facebook profiles

News broke last month of recruiters requesting theFacebook login details of job candidates in order to screen profiles prior to offering them a position. The news set off a firestorm of controversy about what recruiters had the right to ask for. The debate soon broadened with news reports that a teaching assistant was fired by her employer for not allowing them


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