How often have you been ashamed or embarrassed by the words you chose during a situation? Maybe you were speaking with friends, co-workers, or even family members. If you look back, most of these incidents likely occurred during a high stress situation where you were frustrated. Unfortunately, during times of high stress we tend to make bad decisions
Managing "Futurephobia" and Gaining Control of Your Organization
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Managing "Futurephobia" and Gaining Control of Your Organization
What is it that makes some people cringe when asked, “What are you planning to do in the future?” The reason seems to be that many people are not planning that far ahead. They say that the future is too unpredictable, that they are having enough trouble just figuring out what to do next – or even now.
10 Reasons Why Your Employees Hate You
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10 Reasons Why Your Employees Hate You
In the world of employees, a good boss is differentiated from a bad boss by the way the boss makes the employees feel. They also assess the boss based on his or her contribution – or lack thereof – to their ability to get their jobs done successfully. Employees tolerate a lot of bad boss behavior. Many bosses
Five Ways to Use Consensus for Group Decisions
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Five Ways to Use Consensus for Group Decisions
The term “consensus” is most often heard during political campaign season or when Congress is in session. Politicians are forever promising to build consensus with those on the other side of the political aisle, but there’s typically more talk than action. Business leaders and human resource managers cannot afford to be so cavalier in their commitment to consensus.
Three Mistakes Recruiters Make (As Told By Job-Seekers and Recruiters)
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Three Mistakes Recruiters Make (As Told By Job-Seekers and Recruiters)
Over the last several months I have been trying to figure out where two lines meet – what job-seekers (especially passive ones) want and what recruiters are doing to intentionally be there to meet them. To try to get my mind around it I decided to do what any good recruiter would do – survey both sides (546
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