As HR professionals know, an employee review is an essential part of building an effective organization. Just like smart recruiting helps you get the best possible talent, a well-developed employee review process allows you to develop that talent. Conducting reviews takes experience to finesse, but is worth the time as a strong team building tool. Following these five key points
Direct language vital in "tough-stuff" conversations
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Direct language vital in "tough-stuff" conversations
In "tough-stuff conversations" managers should be clear in their communication, clear in their intent, and get to the point by using direct language, say authors Darren Hill, Alison Hill and Dr Sean Richardson. In their new book Dealing with the Tough Stuff - How to achieve results from crucial conversations, the authors - a behavioural scientist and two psychologists
How Can an Office Manager Benefit Your Small Business?
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How Can an Office Manager Benefit Your Small Business?
What can an office manager do for your small business? Just about anything you need done. An office manager can handle a wide variety of duties; in fact, you'll find the specific job description varies from company to company. Overall, however, the goal of the office manager role is to keep your company running smoothly and efficiently. Some
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